
Nixon moriz yang

Ask @Nixonmoriz

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Tbh you're quite a good polo player haha it's interesting to play against u

Haha thnx man you too haha how's ur mouth?:/

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How big is your chest?

Used to be my most outstanding body part but after evening the others out its a meh haha:/ needs more work

What do you do when you are bored?

Exams are comin bruh, I never get bored nowadays haha in fact I'm bz almost everyday._. But on the occasion when I'm rlly bored, I would maybe do some light lifting or watch random vids haha:33

What's the nicest thing you have done for someone?

Giving them the motivation to indirectly change their lives haha, not someone but most people that I find are struggling, I'm not an expert myself haha n need more woe too but I like helping them out from time to time haha no more sad kunts

what if cloning is beyond ur reach?

But I'm not gay;(( errr unless a guy looks attractively like a woman n has a vajayjay ._.


Language: English