
Adam Nolly Getgood

Hey Nolly, I'm a huge fan of both Periphery and your excellent production work, I was playing with my AXE FX II today trying to see where you went with the Animals As Leaders rhythm tone for the new album. Are you able to shed some light on the rhythm patch? Thanks a lot, keep up the amazing work!

Hey, thanks! For the AAL album I mic'd up Tosin's live rig in his living room (Axe FX II->Port City amp->Port City cab), then tone-matched it with the Axe FX so we could record direct.
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Latest answers from Adam Nolly Getgood

I know you and some of the other guys in Periphery like thinner picks, I just wondered what the reasoning behind this was? Especially in an age where the thicker, smaller picks seem to be most popular. Recently I've been trying the .60 Dunlop TIII and I'm loving the 'thwack' it gives.

We find that thinner picks have a juicier attack especially when palm muting, and also function a little like a compressor in that they bend more when you pick harder, or when you're picking on the thicker strings, making the notes more even. Really technical stuff can get a bit messy though, in which case I swap back to a thicker (but still no more than 1mm), smaller pick.

Have you ever messed about with ORTF overheads? What're your thoughts on different stereo techniques for drum micing?

I have done ORTF before and while I did like it a lot at the time, I prefer the spaced pair technique I use now, where the mics are each 4ft from the centre of the snare, and close to 4ft apart. It always yields a very wide but natural top-down representation of both cymbals and shells.

So the Good Tiger album is out and is literally the best mix I've ever heard! Especially the drums and vocal are amazing, did you use any drum samples?

Thank you, no the drums are natural (and un-quantised). With Rudy's drumming in a great room like Middle Farm studios there is no real excuse to have to resort to samples, in my opinion.

Hey dude, do you think you will switch to the new Dingwall combustion 4 when playing drop c? Or will you stick with your 5 tuned gcgcf?

I will probably stick to 5 strings for that tuning, since the bass parts often require dropping to the 5th string for certain parts. One day it'd be nice to have a 4-string set up for the F-C-G-A tuning we use on The Bad Thing, Alpha, Graveless, Zyglrox etc. though!

Hi Nolly, what are your favourite vocal mics? I wanna buy one, but i don't wanna spend a lot of money so i'm looking for a mid-low price mic. Thank you :)

I think the Audio Technica AT4033a is an extremely strong option - look for a used one and you'll get yourself a bargain.

Hey man! Just wondering, how much involvement did you have in the making of the Good Tiger album? Absolutely loving the mix, just wondering if you were involved in tracking, mixing and whatnot. Hope you are well!

Hi, and thanks - I'm glad you're enjoying the mix. Dez and I did a couple of pre-production sessions together, but then he tracked the guitars, bass and vocals himself. Drums were recorded last - I engineered those with Dez, then we mixed the record together with me reamping guitars and getting basic mix and levels dialled in before the two of us went over automation and effects together. Kris Crummett mastered and did a fantastic job of adding the final level of excitement and glue, while keeping things sounding very faithful to the mixes.

Hey man, hope you're well! Dunno if you had anything to do with the recording of Physical Education on TJOM but I was wondering if you could elaborate upon the sound heard behind the main riff at around 2:53/2:54, sounds like a weird pitch shifted harmony or something. Thanks in advance! :)

Hey, I'm great thanks, I hope you are too! The band wrote that track with Diego from Volumes; he created a lot of layers, percussion and synths for the demo that we kept in the final album version too. There are a lot of odd sounds in there such as the one you're referring to - I don't have the session front of me but if I remember correctly there are 2 or 3 parts going there including a glitchy Rhodes-esque sound and a purely textural/percussive part or two

What is your favorite mix bus compressor?

Essentially anything in the vein of an SSL G-series buss compressor, that also has a bass sidechain filter. I've been using the Slate FG-Grey exclusively since it was released.

You often talk about bands and share music in other genres, but what are your favourite bands in the same scene as Periphery?

Textures would definitely be one - they're written some of my all-time favourite metal records of all time, I can't wait to hear the new one they are working on.
The Contortionist would be another - I think they're really hit their stride on their last album, which I still can't stop listening to daily.

I just got a Dingwall NG-2 and I'm loving it! Which pickup setting do you use and how do you set the preamp?

Hey, I'm really glad you're enjoying the bass! Mine still make me smile whenever I play them :)
I always use the series pickup position (the 2nd position as you go from furthest anti-clockwise), and I generally boost all three EQ bands a small amount as a starting point. With my live rig I'll sometimes not use any bass boost since that can make the noise gate act a little more sluggishly, but it depends on the way the room resonates, and how I feel on any given day.

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