
♥ Nønø Shãrãf ♥

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ما هي الايدولوجية البنائة لتحقيق التكامل التفاعلي المؤثر علي اللاوعي الاستنباطي ؟

what ?! O.o O.o O.o eh el klam dh .... m3nah eh y3ni ?! :D :D

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Are you usually the heart breaker or the heart broken?

Wla wa7da mn dol w isa m4 hi7sly kda wla h3ml kda ...... m7bt4 w m4 h7b isa

What do you do when you’re angry?

i throw every thing in the air and maybe hit my sis with them ^_^ ana 3asbia awiii

What would someone have to do to make you dislike them immediately?

Eno mihtm4 bia aw ykon ehtmamo 34an masl7a w lama t5ls mi3brne4 aw ykon 45s mohm awi 3ndy w ana m4 f 7sabato w lama b7taglo mla2ho4 bs lama bi7tagny bila2eny :/ :(


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