
Nick Pierro™

Ask @Npierro74

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Not what I heard and thats not what people are telling him lol

Lol I don't care I'm not talking shit about him whoever is saying that is just trying to start shit

If you keep talking shit about Joe its probably gonna go down

That awkward moment when I don't talk shit about joe I don't even talk about him at all

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What a douche haha "I can say whatever i want its freedom of speech" lol you sound like an idiot like you always do

Hahaha I don't understand how it's not like I'm lying and I can care less if you think I'm a douche

You shouldnt talk shit about Daniel. Just because you lost doesnt mean u go on the internet saying how "you werent trying". just grow a pair of balls and get a life instead bragging about how if you tried you would have beaten up a kid way smaller than you.

Ok first off let me start about you telling me to grow some balls which is pretty funny when you sir should grow some balls and say this off anon and Daniel isn't that small and I wasn't saying I wasn't trying at all I said I was trying some of the time and I can say what ever the fuck I want this it's called freedom of speech and I didn't lose and I didn't win

Your bitch ass has to calm the fuck down, even if you kept going people will still give you shit because hes so much smaller than you. Now if you fought someone as big as you youd probably get your bitch ass kicked lol

You should get off anon

You got fucked up by Daniel Fiske hahaha

I'm guessing your just saying this off of what you saw on Colin's and Parker's Instagram but I didn't get my ass kicked by Daniel not even fucking close and I'm not saying I kicked his ass cuz I didn't if your thinking I got my ass kicked cuz he was choking me out I ducking put him in a choke hold twice and if you look at the video he did punch me more times but I fucking let him do that cuz he punches like a little pussy ass bitch and I wasn't even bloody after it didn't look like I was even in a fight but Daniel got his fucking blood on my fucking shirt and if your saying I got my ass kicked cuz I stopped I fucking stopped cuz the fight was over fucking nothing and if there was a reason for it I would have kept going until I beat his ass but you know what think what ever the fuck you want to think but at the end of the day you probably weren't there so you didn't see the whole fucking fight so you really can't say shit just cuz you saw one or two fucking pictures and I honestly wasn't trying that hard I was trying some of the time but Daniel was trying as hard as he could and if I was the fight would have ended differently

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Tbhhh you seem really cool and funny hahah we should talk sometime rate: idk what you look like haha

thanks what's your number ahha

no maybe someone by the name of Nicholas Alfred pierro could give them to meee

Haha sure I'll give them to you but I gotta do them first I'll text you when I'm done with it


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