

Ask @Nutella900

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I hate Jemma wbu?

I'm sick and tired of it! Everyone stared bullying her! Why? I know that I'm not best friends or anything with Jemma, but I know how it hurts to be bullied! All you people, are disscusting! How coud you do that to another human? How? Are u bored? U shoud be doin something else instead of bullying her... U all say, that she's always mad, and that's not true.. Most of the times she's nice to people, she smiles... but sometimes, fake people piss her off and she's getting mad... u know why? Cuz she's only a HUMAN, ok? And if u tought I'mma hate on her, well then u're wrong, because I hate 2 side ppl. I dont know who u are, but u shoud seriously stop. Just because, we fight sometimes, doesnt mean that imma hate on her... Im ashamed of this generation! Its horryfing and it makes me hate life much more. U dont have to like Jemma, just dont freaking hate on her and stop bullying her. Cuz u all say that she bullies ppl and u're the one bulling her... If u really had a problem with her u woud said it into her face, but u're to scared. Well I just hope u gonna stop bulling and spreding rumors around!

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kto powiedział że chce być fejmem ? nie po to założyłam aska żeby być fejmem , a wideo zrobie jak mi się będzie chciało
Liked by: wenesa biernacka


Language: English