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When are you uploading a new video?

ACCTUALLY so I filmed a video Saturday and shit lol I forgot to edit it cuz of time lol but I want to film my room tour video like this week so next Friday at latest and please tell everyone about my snapchat @on-j cuz that's were everything's at if you really want to keep in touch with me lol

She would probably report me if I say who I am but I just want to know why your friends with her and not me

Are u a boy or a girl

This is actually someone at school who used to be best friends with her but not anymore because she's rude so don't go thinking ahead of yourself

Shit lol who is this then please tell me

Do you prefer tea over coffee?

Umm no but it's healthier cuz like when I have to much caffeine I get headaches and it's way sugary

How'd you get so close with Danielle?

She talked to me on the first day of school when I was alone and idk she always makes me happy and smile and I respect her so much


Language: English