

Ask @OakleyJunior

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Smart casual or sporty style?

Why'd I ever think getting this back was a good idea hahahahahah.

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Is it true u used 2 cut?

All I can say is people are lowlifes who have nothing better to do than ask stupid questions. I ain't answer it and it's getting quite annoying, not only for me but for everyone else who has to see this dumb ass question. Like lol fuck off

What is the secret of happy relationship?

Lots of bribery with chocolates and cuddles. Plus a lot of patience and more alcohol than previously planned.
Liked by: Alexis Mercer

Is it true u used 2 cut?

How many times do I have to say, talk to me like a normal human being. If you're that curious message me on FB or something.

What is the most interesting invention?

Selfie stick.
Cause I can get my bomb ass outfit and makeup all in the one shot.
I kid. I kid.

Is it true u used 2 cut?

Why does this even matter? If you really wanna talk to me about this manner, hop off anon and message me like a decent human being.

When was the last time you spent an entire day without your phone? What did you do?

Ahhhhh, can't recall that unfortunate event.


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