

Ask @OhSnapItsAdrii

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Thoughts on Shawn Brock?

shawn is the homie bruh. I talked to him for like 48 hours straight yesterday. kinda. I exaggerated that. but we did talk on the phone like all day. he was at a hotel. and then he made me call him back because he called me and it cost money so I called him back and this mean guy told me I couldn't talk to him so he had to use his phone and it was out battery. so I had to wait like five minutes. and then we fell asleep on the phone. and he told me I fell asleep in the middle of a sentence xD
Liked by: caila

What is shawn to you? He is in your bio.

shawn is a lot of things to me. we've been through a lot. we are friends. we dated. we've dated other people. we've been broken up. but for some weird reason, we always find a way back to each other.

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How would you explain color to a blind man?

I would make him feel cold rocks for blue, and then some thing hot for red, and then he can like smell a mint for green. and I'd give him a huh for pink and red. and then he can like eat something sour for yellow. dude, that's actually a really good idea..

Opinion on George?

I love george sososo much. we've gotten closer than noah's jar of pickles. he's really super sweet & nice. he will give the best advice whenever you need it. and I can rant to him about anything and everything. he's helped me through so much. and I glad he's in my life. I wouldn't trade him for anything. all in all I think he's absolutely amazing. (:

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