

Ask @OhSnapItsZinatt

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Where is the coldest place you have ever been and what was the temperature?

At Restaurant Depot theres a room where they store meats and produce and stuff, ITS CALLED THE FREEZER BC ITS A GIANT FREEZER IN A GIANT BUILDING. ITS PROBABLY LIKE 20 DEGREES !

What kind of flowers should you give to a girl?

honeysuckles because girls loove fooood. and pretty flowers .

What's the best news you've ever received?

That I was going to get a baby brother. And now hes 2 and healthy. (: (:

If your plane was about to crash, who would you want sitting next to you?


At what age do you consider someone old?

I dont know, thats for the person to decide themselves, if theyre 30 and they think theyre old then fine.

Do you prefer to be alone or around people?

Ive already answered this, infact it was my fist answerr.

Till what age would you like to live and why?

I really dont know, whaterver God has planned for me should be fine.


Language: English