

You would know, you scatty person. How is your cats ass hole? Did you enjoy licking the peanut butter off it? Or did even the cat reject your advances... Also the disease was probably hereditary because you come from a long line of loose vaginas.

Babe. I don't like peanut butter. What you said makes no sense, stop being such a pussy and mail me ;)

Latest answers from Hanna

Wow you literally just tried to find a reason to dis me . Congratulations you sound even more stupid now .

why are u on anon babe

I'd ask you same question . Seriously stop trying to sound smart because you're making yourself sound so stupid right now .

You keep putting spaces before fullstops and it's really pissing me off you reprobate

"How can they expect to be accepted when they won't even answer a few questions" wTF ?? You're such an imbecile . They don't need to give you an explanation.

How can they expect to be accepted when they won't let us learn about who they are; then call us ignorant for not knowing LOL

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