
Alysia ❓

Ask @Ohitsalysia

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i dont know his insta i just saw a pic of him, his name is "mikey" he has a full sleeve x0 i screen shotted it i can show you

Lol no it's okay I don't want to see.

Oof! You just read my life girlie! I know how hard it can be mending your heart ALONE.. It seems impossible sometimes.. Then when more crap come your way it's like why do I try?

Dear Lord
Yesss always /: it's tough when someone leaves you when you needed them most. But I've slowly grown to not care anymore because sometimes I realize that I'm better off alone or without a guy. I mean I am talking to someone but I'm still insta toadies because feelings are not that strong yet.
Liked by: Dear Lord

I follow you in IG and I see your answers on here ... I've had a lot if heartaches too

Dear Lord
Well I'm flattered that someone notices.. I've been in many heartbreaks from a couple ppl. & I've felt broken since my first love has left me.. I'm just trying to pick myself up slowly after these couple years that has past by. /:

Which hurts worse? Saying bye to someone you adore or staying in a dying relationship/friendship?

Dear Lord
Both.. But it's better to do what's best for the both of you. Saying goodbye would be better than staying in a dying relationship /: I was in this situation before.. & it hurt me so much, especially when we had to see them everyday.
Liked by: Dear Lord

Didn't this person just say they were from Michigan? O_o

I honestly do not even know.. Lmfao ppl are retared they crack me up

Detroit is wack yo come where no one plays go to Los Angeles all you guys would be scared

No one said anything about Detroit... LOL, we only said Michigan :) & I'll be there

Please bitch quit replying . You're so desperate it makes me feel sorry for ya ! He's coming over tomorrow & I'll be sure to tell him he has some creepy hoe obsessing over him love you alysia , can't wait to see you tomorrow nigga !

Lol yay can't wait to see you too! Love you too <3

Whatever. But when he leaves you for me I'll be sure to send you a kik

I've never liked any bitch my brother dated except Anna :) lol

get the fuck outta here with that bullshit! Omg 105 pounds. Bitch the wind will blow your little ass away! I live in Pontiac, MI. You wanna act all hard shit then come see me ☺️ -Anna


I weigh 105 pounds and I'm 5'1. I'll beat both ur asses in a second.

Oh god I'm so scared )): lmao ok come see me so I know how your ass look like boo

Oh so you guys are best friends why? We all know you dated her cuz.

Because she's one of the realist girls here in Michigan than all of you fake add whores lol duhh? & yes I dated her "cuz" and everyone knows that so idc? LOL

Seems like she's just a bitch to him. I bet u that he'd leave her for me. I'm sure he would prefer a Hmong girl. I mean why would he want a Laos girl anyways?? Go ahead. Show her this, she wouldn't do shit about it. Let her know I live in michigan too. Your brother deserves the best and she isn't

Lmfao ohhhh you live in Michigan but you can't even tell me this without showing me or HER who you are? Dumb ass LOL. Holy fuck you crack me the fuck up, trynna act all hard on ask about my brother & his girlfriend. Every girl a butch in their one way :) & you my dear, are just a pussy ass bitch that can't even show your face because you know damn well you bitches are so scared to show her who you are LOL makes me feel sad for whoever you are ):

Your brother is fine.. Hook a sister up? x) i would fuck him on the stairs while his girlfriend watched. Question, why is he with her?? And are you too best friends??

Uhhh ew? He's with her because he loves her an she loves him as well. They've been together for 3 years and yes, she's one of my bestest friends. So sorry, my brother is not option for any other girl but his own :)


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