
Olivia Priscilla

Ask @OliviaPriscill

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Sorry didn't mean to bother you girl, but too many people now .. that don't like you really .. they wish you could go far as you can.

Well, thankyou. Why should i run from them? I dont live for pleased them anyway. Im a human, i make mistakes. But,surely ill fix my fault. Thankyou :D

Mana yang kamu sukai, air bersoda atau air biasa?

Both. Depends on mood and situation. Tapi yang favorit sih es tebu or rootbeer ❤

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Habedeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhh ceceh oliphkuu sayaaaang:* wish you all the best! sorry yak baru ngucapin, sapa tau jd yg terakhir ngucapin, hehe. Gbu always! ({})

gloriaeklesia’s Profile PhotoGloria Eklesia
Baru bacaaa iya thankyouu bebeb ({})


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