I'm talking this guy for a month I've been to his house twice. It's as if everytime I'm with him, I have this attraction to him and we connect but on a day to day basis we don't really talk as much and if so its very casual/friendly. He's cooked for me and all sorts and talked about introducing me


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Hey Oloni I just want to say thank you for everything youve been doing lately, ur book was amazing and so is your consistency. I love your ask fm page and cant wait to see what other project you'll have coming next..

Great way to end my ask fm! Thank you SO much!!
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Hey! I've been sleeping with this girl...friends with benefits type situation...even though I've told her that I don't want a relationship and she's "okay" with the situation but I know she would want a relationship with me..should I continue seeing her even though she knows what it is

Talk to her & let her know the deal. However to save yourself from paragraphs of 'i hate you, you screwed me over' messages, I'd say end it.

I'm talking to this girl but I have this gut feeling that she is not over her exs, he keep mentioning them. I ask once why she does, she then asked if I was hurt. I feel like she's trying to make me jealous, what would you advice me to do

Red flag, either she's not over them & not ready to move on. Talk to her about it and explain how it's a huge put off.

What's your advise for someone who's thinking about an abortion?

Think about it carefully & get all the advice that you can from counsellors. The NHS provide this so you can think about your options and what's best for you.

What's your time limit on moving in with your partner? Been with my bf for 9 months & he spends the night and some days nearly everyday. Now we're considering looking for a bigger place for both of us. Do you think this is too soon? If so when would be the time

If I'm entirely honest 9 months is way too soon. I don't even think couples who arent married should be living together.

My first boyf and I broke up about 3 years ago, but stayed in contact. Last year I got close to one of his old friends but we was just friends and those boundaries had never been crossed. Until recently, we had sex on Xmas eve..I have not heard from him since. I'm worried about whether to tell my ex

Going there in the first place is a huge nono. Let his friend tell him.

My bf rents out a room & has just informed me that his ex is now renting out one of the rooms in the house. Is it wrong of me to tell him to move out?

Oooh lets make this a #QOTD

I don't see the point of me being with someone and not talking at least once a day. Do you think I'm being needy?

A little. Talking is often is GREAT! But if it isn't every day don't panic.

I've been with my bf for about 5 months. We haven't seen each other in about a month or so (exams/c/w) for us both. because I haven't seen him think it's just right we talk at least once a day, when i called him today he said I am too needy and we don't need to talk everyday. I'm so offended by this

Tell him you're offended, but if you both have exams cutting down how often you speak won't hurt. Be more understanding.

Language: English