
Montaha Ahmed

Ask @Only_Montaha

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If you were really hungry, really exhausted, AND really gross, what would you do first — eat, nap, or shower?

Shower, nap then eat ✨✨✨✨

ما الأمر الذي أدمنت عليه ؟

ادمنت اني اذا تضايقت من اي شيء .. ابغي اروح اي مكان مغلق و اجلس لحالي 👌🏼

شيء مستحيل يتغير فيك؟

دايم أحلامي كبيرة .. و أتمنى من الله انها تتحقق ❤️

ليه انتي كذا دايم معصبه ؟

منو انتي 😂؟ انا عكس اللي انتي كاتبته 🌚

كم تحتاج وقت عشان "تثق" بشخص جديد بحياتك ؟..✨💕

جلستين ✨💕

The object that's on your right side will save the world. What is it?

My purse ❤️ good luck with that😂

Name three things you have never done, but would like to do?

Actually one of them was to say something stupid in a microphone in an auditorium 😂 i did it today with no audience thought 😂😂 so that’s enough for now🙏🏼


Language: English