Ask @OnsSb

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is it wrong to be just a ' Shadow ' ? To help someone out and to protect them without even their knowing ? even if they don't worth it ?

ofc it isn't wrong , but u'll end up hurting urself :')

If you were stuck on an island and only could have one person with you, who would you choose? Why?

someone who cooks well
why ? cuz i love food <3 XD

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She's not rude c: Nusa chan is like a fluffy marshmallow filled with sugar and chocolate . but if u accidentally break it , all the stuff that is blocked inside of it will evaporate(?) Can I eat ya? :3

yes yes u may eat me u_u (it sounds perv XD )
Liked by: Bodyache

nakrhou naw3 li yjaweb ib fazt happiness is chocolate wela food wela drachnouwa ti jawbou mara fi 3markom bel 7a9 jewbou jaweb manti9i w behi mta3 ensen kbir fi mo5ah w fehem e denya mouch chocolate w okhti nehtarem rayek rahou mouch 9ased 7aja ma3neha juste faza retha 3end barcha 3bed w fadedatni

wallah la3dhim na7ki bjaddi for me happiness is chocolate ._.
Liked by: Bodyache

Noo u know who im talking abt , you sometimes walk with girls who think they are popular and girls who are so hated

well oumourhom ^_^

and u think u are a popular girl and u hang with people who think they're popular

i am not popular .... .-. some of my old friends think i even moved out of my town cuz i dnt go out a lot XD
i am more like a nerdy not popular
Liked by: Bodyache


Language: English