

Ask @OrlaMarieD

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Good! Happy that you're happy...of that makes sense.Anyways! Take care...i'll come back and annoy you aagain soon, kinda fun

Hahah random guy, you too dear

Eh good, seemed a bit...sad last time I spoke to you.Congratulations with your results by the way! 'Stoner can succeed' Well I never knew you were that bad pft

Yeah I was aha so happy right now though, was so shocked. Yeah man it's great ahaha

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I missed you wot, I was thinking about you the other day.How have you been!? (I know i'm on anon, shh)

Who is this? Hahah. Awh that's cute. I probably missed you too but idk who u are ahaha

Well decent in a way, the tickets don't necessarily cost a bomb to enter, it's all the merc that gets you spending |3. So favourite bands that you'd most want to see?

Cba to list them aha not really in the mood to talk tbh

Are cats or dogs smarter?

Cats, dogs might be able to do tricks n shit but they still rely on their owners. Cats are independent sassy little fucks that don't need no one

What are you obsessed with?

I wouldn't say im obsessed with anything, I'd say I simply value some things more than others

That's an idea, there not bothering at the moment thankfully. "creepy peados" sure hope I don't come in that category :( If I had a face like Phil Lester it'll be a different tune. Also someone just sent a mobile number. what you think they;re trying to pull?

How should I know haha

Swear all you do is get high like a waster

Actually, I have two jobs and do pretty well in college so clearly I'm not a 'waster' but how does anything I do concern you anyway
Liked by: lily


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