
Ouss Δ

Ask @OussemaOthmeni

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It has nothing to do with me jerk nd dont try to make yourself look better FYI girls say boys suck bcz boys suck

Lol okay let's take this one step at a time.
First of all, I was giving an example of how we boys don't really 'suck'. I wasn't trying to make myself look good I was trying to prove that some boys are good people.
Second not all boys are bad. Yes I'll admit some are better than others but don't group us all as bad people 'cause not all of us are. There are bad people everywhere, that includes girls.
Third I seriously have no idea why are we dividing ourselves into categories such as "boys" and "girls"! We're all humans! for heaven's sake!!
Y'all really needa stop.
You may now politely stfu & gtfo. Both of ya.

Yes yes she is right you boys suck

I actually have tons of arguments that may convince both of you otherwise but that would be a waste of my precious time since I'm definetely sure you're way too stupid to understand..

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Boys suck, that means you suck

No actually they really don't but you don't exactly seem like the most amazing person in the world arent you! :3
And fyi some of us have true feelings and value friendships equally between boys and girls!

imagine am a girl u like, what would u tell me now?

On a scale from 1 to 10, you're a 9 and I'm the 1 you need :* :p


Language: English