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Opinion on self harm?

I find self harm to be quite serious, and i understand it well. For most people, they are unsure what the actual meaning of self harm is.
Most people take self harm to be just people cutting themselves, where in fact it is a much wider subject than that. Self harm can be hitting things, such as walls or yourself, burning yourself, overdosing, just any way that you can cause your body harm.
Self harm is not a nice thing, if people end up self harming, it sometimes means that they have no hope left and that they have come to their last resort. If you do self harm, ask yourself... is there anything else that you can do to help? is there anyone that you can talk to about. Yes it may be hard to admit to it, and yes it is hard to actually talk to people about it, but trust me it helps.
Some people may be thinking, "pfft, what does this guy know?" But to tell you, i have self harmed, i have gone through times like that, i know exactly what it feels like, and tbh its not nice. You get some people that just take the piss out of you for it, call you names and stuff, but they do not have a clue what is like, what thoughts are going through your mind. When you get someone laughing at you or taking the piss out of you, you just want to go lock yourself away and hide.
Now, if you are one of these people that self harm, don't be afraid to ask for help, to talk to people about it, cause telling people how you feel does help, a lot.. If you need someone to talk to, or someone to just listen to your story, then ask. I will listen, and i will try to help. I can't promise that i will succeed, but i can promise that i will try to.
just remember, you aren't alone, there will always be someone out there that can help you, just do not give up hope.
Always here for anyone who self harms<3

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Today a 2 minute silence will be held to show respect of those who died in the war. Not only did they die, they died protecting us and our country so today at 11 o'clock think about all those brave soldiers that risked their life's for ours! They are our heroes! Get a poppy wear it and show some support! Rest in peace beautifulls, and keep fighting to the ones still out their! Brave people!

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Please don't kill yourself, don't. I've been bullied so badly, and what kept me strong is remembering the people that loves me... Just remember your closes friends or family. Be strong. Remember, you're beautiful. And don't deny it. Those mean people can go fuck themselves.

Thank you...
Liked by: kara richardson


Language: English