
♤ El.Mza7ii ♤

Ask @PeacockxD

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If you were kidnapped by corrupt military personnel who wanted to kill you and gave 3 choices on how to die, which would you choose 1) Squished by a tank? 2) Have your body tied up to 2 separate tanks as they drive in opposite direction til your body rips apart? 3) Shot by missile from a tank?

ActionsSpeakLouderThanWords’s Profile PhotoLike 4 Like
i think you need to fuck off xD
Would you pleas ..?!

If you were kidnapped by terrorists who wanted to record your death as an example of terrorism but gave you these choices on how to die, which would you choose: 1) Have your face smashed with a sledgehammer? 2) Tied up to railroad tracks so the train will run over you? 3) Thrown off a high building?

ActionsSpeakLouderThanWords’s Profile PhotoLike 4 Like
I'd Prefer seeing you dying with an awesome Combinations of all these ways to die
it's would be such a Pleasure to me xD
better than anything else to watch

Where did you spend your life? Your accent is really really good

Awwwwwwwww Thank you m8
Plzz just Convince that Stupid arabs hehehehehheheh xD
they just assuming my accent is such an Epic fail :p
hehehehehehehehheheheheh i'm JK
Haters ain't gonna stop hate xD
no i actually spent my entire life in KSA
I've just been to UK for 3 months <3
this is all i spent abroad <3

الأ تفرق شعرها أشقرجلدها احمر قلبها ميت اقدر أناديها حقيرة ما تجي من بنت السعوديه خصلة حصيرةمبداها سفور بسمتها غرور وجمالها في لحظة يبور خالية إحساس وشعور ما تدري وش معنى الشرف و ما تدري عن معنى القرف في ظنها هذي حضارة هذي ترى ذل فجارة غبية منسيه لعبه بين البشر تنادي وتقول حريه وهي ممهونة الكرامة

الله يشفيك انت تفكيرك متطرف !
انت بالضبط زيك زيك اليهود
كلكم تتفقون انكم شعب الله المختار و انكم خلائف الله في ارضه
نساء العالم كلهم بلا استثناء فيهم الشريفات و فيهم التقيات و فيهم العفيفات و فيهم العذراوات
لكن كل واحد ينظر من منظاره هو فما يشوف الا ما يوافق هواه و ما ينقصه و يقرره عن غيره و يفرضه عليهم
على اساس انه دين ’ .. الدين اعتناق و ايمان و طهر داخلي
مو قذف غير المسلمات او غير المحجبات و اتهامهم بالفسق و الرخص و الدناءه بس عشانهم ما تحجبو !

ههههههههههههههههه , انت شفت الجمل اللي مركبها ؟ مسوي يعنني انقليزيتي مرا كويسه لدرجه نسيت كيف اركب جمله بالعربي؟ قصدك قايز زيك.

OMG .. da8ee8ah , da8ee8ah yarabbby aesh ysammonhaa bel 3araby ..????!
awwwwwh ba3'et a8ullek sht bs nsweet how to say it in arabic xD
Ok ra7 as2al a9de8a2ey el 3arab w arja3 a8olha lekk :p
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAz-vniPagcPeacockxD’s Video 27647842904 SAz-vniPagcPeacockxD’s Video 27647842904 SAz-vniPagc

u r writing up there *str8*.. you might need to rethink of it, cus every1 doubt bout it :).

if they doubt it
let them suck My Whistle and rethink about they might change their minds
and do you think if i were Gay i'd be ashamed to admit it
of course i wouldn't , i will scream it loudly at everybody's face that i'm gay
i really DGF
it's not me who cares what others think
i'm Flawless Bitch xD


Language: English