
♤ El.Mza7ii ♤

Ask @PeacockxD

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Oh my God. You must be so smart to learn fast....i know few Arabic words like (ana rejal. Bent. Ketab)

No i'm not :(
i started to learn from school i should be much better than this
but i'd never stop working on it :p
heheheheheheheh yeaa you're Rejal xD
this is awesome <3
But you're Muslim , aren't you ?!
i bet you can read "quran" , aren't you ..?!

Why do not address? you did not want to get married?

Address a girl ..?!
so , we live Homeless in street and and begging money or playing some Musical Instruments for money hauh ..?!
I'm still too young to afford marriage ,
it's not yet .. i still have no job and i live with Parents :p
Independent asshole xD
and Relationships and Marriage are so complicated ,
i like to ride it Solo xD

How do you feel towards the more sensitive topics in the Islam, such as abortion, euthanasia (the right to end your own life) and homo/bisexuality? Should it be allowed, even though we don't agree with it for ourselves, so that those who want it can make use out of it?

As Muslim , i agree with it and i've my reasons to be Totally convinced about it
abortion . must be unhallowed cuz we never know what future holds and we don't have right to end someone's life if he hasn't killed anyone before !
and it's has the same idea of euthanasia , it's not our right to end someone's life xD
Homosexuality i think it's must be recognized and Carefully treated
but we can't deny their existence and we keep hide it
Liked by: bshayer Bella rose

I watched your videos, your English sucks so please don't talk about ignorance since you're an ignorant yourself! OH MY GOD it's a slang abbreviation? I sure as hell didn't know that lol it just shows how lazy you are to type a few more letters, I'm in an american school so your argument is invalid.

hehehehehehhehehe OMG why you're so Interested ..?!
I've graduated from British School approved from The "the British council" in UK
don't compare yourself to me . you're not even brave enough to show your username .
since your lame american school it's in Egypt , i don't trust it ever at all :p
it's just has the name of it
anyway xD
Sank you ferry match heheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheeh
Liked by: bshayer Ahmad

Egypt is not better than KSA? LOL funniest joke ever, at least we can do whatever we want!

This is the only thing that you're better than us at
but other things , i don't think so
you've got Destroyed Street , worn out Buildings
almost the same Retarded minds we've got here
Riots and Crimes everywhere you go
everyting is just Messed up
i Admitted our Defects
so , don't deny yours :p
Liked by: bshayer Lamar Reema

Hey, I'm Egyptian and I hate Saudi Arabia with a passion, you've no idea!

Well , it's up to you !
No Body can tell you what to hate and what to love
but BTW .. Egypt it's not Better than KSA
All Arabian Countries Retarded Enough to be the last nation xD !
and don't worry we've got plenty of Racists like you , they hate Egypt as you do xD
i wish if you all racist just Disappear
and let us to Get together m cuz eventually we're a One Nation

you dont need to tell the world that u r gay, the way you behave/speak is telling so much :).

Awwwwww you're Genius SmartAss
why do you waiting me to answer it , then?
you're already sure and analyzed my Body language and speech
and i'm waiting you to release me a Homo ID
Plzz don't be late !


Language: English