
† Twix †

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Latest answers from † Twix †

PlayStation or Xbox?

I own a Xbox Series X, and a Nintendo Switch. Those are the current Gen consoles I own at the moment. I’ll eventually be getting a PlayStation 5.

What embarrassing nickname were you called by your loved ones (parents, guardians, siblings, friends) when you were a child?

I had nicknames, still do, but I like them.

Did you wear a mask in stores during COVID?

I still do. COVID is still around, along with people coughing and sneezing and don’t cover their filthy mouth, or cover their mouth with their hand. Now their hands are filthy.

How many checks have you clapped 😏

How many checks I clapped??? Does that mean how many checks I’ve bounced??? I never bounced a check.

Have you ever woke up one day and felt like an entirely different person?

Nickhilist2’s Profile PhotoMr. Eatyoursoul
If you mean growing wiser, yes. I see that I’m more wiser than most people who’s older than me.

Language: English