
Phoebe McCallan

Ask @PhoebeMccallan823

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Umm... She's alright I guess, annoys me sometimes though!

She really annoys me:// I hoped she was gunna die at Christmas

He should be in it cos the rest of the cast are the same I think, let's hope so! And Yeh, u can actually understand David unlike Peter Capaldi ;) I gave up on that one aha

Ahaha, at first I didn't understand peter but I'm slowly getting used to him! Don't like him though!!! What are your thoughts on Clara?

Ofc, and he keeps his Scottish accent aswell so u have to listen carefully ;) The 1st series had Arthur Darvill in it so that was pretty cool, not sure if he's in the new one though

Omfg! He better be! The doctor and Rory :') together for ever ahaha! I love Arthur aswell and I can understand David's accent perfectly actually so there's no worry there;)

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Can't really ruin it though, there's so much going on its too long to explain. Brilliant storyline though, enjoy :')

Thanks, I'm guessing David's acting is brilliant?

Well a tenant is someone who owns a flat in an appartement or something, occupant is just another word for it, it was funny in my head

Okay I get it:')

Yeh ikr, McDonald just makes him sound like he should own a farm, or a fast food restaurant

That's what I think of when I hear it:') he's the best doctor by far though, his acting was outstanding

Yeh not many people know that actually, he had to change it as there was already a registered member with his real name so he became Tennant in order to join the actors union for equity - Pretty simple really ;) aha

I prefer Tennant anyway, it really suits him

I agree, cant beat good old David McDonald (in true terms)

Omg you're perfect!! his stage name is David Tennant, marry me anon?

Did you enjoy the latest series?

Not as good as any of David's or matts episodes but the series have been good


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