

Ask @PikaBuBu

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zakj se ze zdj sminkas,ves kaka bos ko bos starejsa? pa ko se pudras pa ta maskara pa tok tega? sploh nisi tok stara da bi vedla ko bos starejsa bos vidla da ni use u slikanju pa lajkih!

oprosti ampak jes leko na SVOJO kožo dan to ka JES ščen, in ne to ka TI ščeš, in tak btw se dajo kupiti tudi kreme proti vničevanji, in že ena solea je zadosti ka ti zaščiti kožo,glupačo.

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vsi lidje pravijo kak so mačke pa psi lepi, neglede na to či so debeli,suji,grdi,lejpi,mali ali velki, zakoj ne ravnamo tak tudi z lidmi? al pa van je samo tak težko zadržati svoje mnenje za tebe, ene osebe bi se mogoče brigale za tvoje mnenje, al jes se nebon takda si se na napačno spravo:D

zalepeš neka dugoga pa fajnoga za štete?

I want to do something crazy. I need an adventure, to get out of the monotony of my day to day. I’m sick of these faces and these streets and the expectations which come with them. I need out. So let’s go. Pick a spot on the map - it doesn’t have to be far, just out of our general sphere of influence - and let’s drive. We have all day, one Saturday, fifteen hours. Let’s get lost together for the sake of getting lost. I can’t be here right now, but I want to be with you. We can pick a Podunk town and new names and pretend we’re lovers, just married, just passing through or… maybe moving to the area. We can look at small apartments and imagine our lives there. Talk about our future children and the dog we have waiting for us back at home. Tell anyone who will listen how we met, how beautiful our wedding was, how excited we are for our life together. Let’s walk down main street - with ice-cream cones - holding hands and window shopping - picking items to furnish our home. Let’s be anyone but us, because honey, I can’t handle me right now. I want to lose myself in the rhythm of a new life, even just for a day. I know this sounds strange and cliché and a little too naïve to work, but it’s what I need right now. You have a car, I have music and a day full of conversations. Please, let’s just forget the complications. Forget graduation and the college and leaving and the future. Put the world on pause because its gotten too damn messy to deal with. Let’s have dinner in the window of an old café and watch the sun set behind the worn down buildings of our little piece of nowhere. I want to walk around and take pictures for our imaginary scrapbook. Leave our phones in the car like there is nothing we need to do and no one we have to answer to. Our lives don’t exist. And when the stars come out and we head back to reality, let’s keep up the charade. Replace topics of school and parents and the fiery nuisances that are our pasts with rental agreements and starting a family. When you drop me of at home, hug me and hold me like you don’t want to let me go. Whisper my new name and hold my face between the palms of your hands. Linger a bit too long and do not say goodbye. Tell me to have fun with my friends and that you’ll see me when I get home. Leave knowing that when the morning comes, it will be as if none of this has happened. And that’s the beauty of it. We get to be strangers to ourselves for a little while and live outside our natural timelines. When we see each other in the halls on Monday, we’ll smile, acknowledging the life we lived in those few short hours, and when you get close enough I’ll brush my fingers across your hand and whisper the name that means nothing, to no one, but us.

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Liked by: Teja

dikline preveč hitro pravite drujgen kurba,kurba je ova ka fuka za denar

al pa se oseba samo tak obnasa, saj vcasih tuj poves komi koza al pa krava pa nema rogov,dlake pa kopit ne? haha ka to meni pišeš
Liked by: Teja

nafči se abecedo

okay. v ton odgovori ti bon povedala VSE ka ti man za povedati ker v živo te nemo gledala či pa že pa te v faco plujnen. pizda mala ka misliš ka si ti? ha? ka boš ti neka mojin kolegican mrdala po aski pa se nekšo pametno pa kul delala. nesi kul vrvli mi. daleč od toga si. po moje si ti na najnižjon nivoji kak vsi ostali. eno je to ka se tak do starejših obnašaš drugo pa to ka si dobesedno tak glupa ka dale od svojga nosa ne vidiš. aja pa či si že tak močna preko aska.. te odi do mene pa stopive muve lepo do anje pa mo vidli kak ji boš te pravla ka je grda. oprosti ampak anja je tebi dobro pravla,glupa si pa še sama sebi sramoto delaš s ten ka guziš po askaj pa se neka jačo delaš. in anja kak oseba je dosti bole lepa in dosti bole vredi diklina kak ti. poznan te šest let in znan kakša si. ne razmin kak san leko teh jebenih šest let preživela s takšo glupačico ka me je vbistvi sran ka jo poznan:) in to ka si gnes maji napravila hjooj to de se ti nazaj povrnilo. ona de ti oprostila,znan al od mene boš pa vse nazaj dobila. vse! samo to ti je naj jasno. in draga moja, či jest kadin je to popolnoma moja stvar in ti nemo dovolila ka boš se TI vtikavala v moje stvari pa neka pametuvala ker to so moja plujča,moje srce,moj život,moj problem in ne tvoje delo! naj ti je jasno to. sploj pa si vtupi v to tvojo noro glavo ka man jest še preveč dobre kolegice! ti pa maš takše ka si leko z njimi na travniki pa se paseš. in ti mene neboš žalila ker si proti meni in vsen mojin kolegican NULA! naj je to čuje samovšečno kak ščeš ali resnica boli. sooči se z njo ker boš dostix trpela zaradi svoje glupe pameti. zdaj pa odguzi z mojga aska pa se mi oglasi te kda neboš več obična prpica. adijo.

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