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I think my crush knows I like him. How can I convince him or make him think that I don't without having to say anything?

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Why would you want to? Just tell him you like him, the worst he can say is that he doesn’t feel the same way. But you’ll never know if you don’t try and you’ll always have that FOMO. Just keep that in mind.
Why do you not want him to know that you like him? Like for real, just be honest with your shit and don't play emotional games with yourself of others like that, it's not cool. He might like you too and be too shy to say anything. But if you play those fucking games he will never know and eventually move on being heartbroken that the girl he likes doesn't like him back. Then later on when he finds out thay you did like him, and we always find out, he's going to be even more heartbroken and upset. Especially if he managed to move on.
Seriously. Why do all you females want is to play fucking games with people? If you like him, ask him out. It's not that fucking hard.
You know. You already know what you’re going to do. Everybody does. You’ve already decided what you’re going to do. - the therapist from Fleabag
Don't be stupid, playing games is retarded, trying to be "cool" just shows how insecure you are which is the opposite of what you are trying to project.
If you like the guy, tell him ffs, do you want to be with him or not ?

Language: English