

Man i dont like him tbh he hasn't taught us properly, hahah victims of mr R ? i like every kind of movie except scary and romantic :$

MuneebTayyab’s Profile PhotoMuneeb Tayyab
I know right.......ugh Allah kreem? Welll romantic movies are not my thing either lol but there is this 'Safe haven' its sooo goodd): Or you can watch this romantic/comedy you'll like it -'Crazy, stupid love' & there is -'This means war' -Horrible bosses (watch the two parts) -Lets be cops -Just go with it -21/22 Jump street -Life as we know it -Friends with benefits -We're the millers -Bad teacher -Rush hour I can write more hehe but maybe start with the first two romcom and hey tell me what u think if u watched any??

Latest answers from asma.

في نظرك من الاكثر وفاء المرأه ولا الرجل ؟??

Its not really gender based

‏| هل سبق وتعرفت على شخص اعتقدته محترم لكن اتضح العكس؟???

اكيد في

حدثوني عن حقيقةٍ أثبتتها لكم الحياة ولا زالت تُثبتها حتى الآن !؟

That a lot of people love you but not enough to stay.

عش بالحياة وكأن كل الظروف ترضيك حتى لو لم تكن كذلك, استمتع بوقتك واصنع ذكريات جيدة. انت محبوب, ومهم.. تذكر ذلك دوماً, طاب مساؤك.


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