

http://ask.fm/JohnSpencer/answer/25647211429 =)

OMG thats rlly touching,, we are all proud of u, and as i\I already told u ur life will completely change. God bless u :) and if u want any help in anything I'm there to help, Iknw its difficult but I rlly want everyone to live happy and know wat is islaam but I dnt knw wat is the correct way to do that, plus there is my uncles's wife they live in America shes christian and her husband is Muslim, we gave her a book called "Quran and Bibel" she promised to read it and hopes she finds the truth :)
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Latest answers from asma.

في نظرك من الاكثر وفاء المرأه ولا الرجل ؟??

Its not really gender based

‏| هل سبق وتعرفت على شخص اعتقدته محترم لكن اتضح العكس؟???

اكيد في

حدثوني عن حقيقةٍ أثبتتها لكم الحياة ولا زالت تُثبتها حتى الآن !؟

That a lot of people love you but not enough to stay.

عش بالحياة وكأن كل الظروف ترضيك حتى لو لم تكن كذلك, استمتع بوقتك واصنع ذكريات جيدة. انت محبوب, ومهم.. تذكر ذلك دوماً, طاب مساؤك.


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