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Likers get??

DP rates since I haven't done that in a while.
Kill the heart.
And I'll be honest, not selective.✌

Give views on Harsh and Dayani pllzzz

They're the two people I will never be able to forget💙💙
@HarshTantia is my homie for life⚓ He's been with me for 14 years now and has supported me whenever I needed him. He's the best person to get drunk and dance with - keeping in mind what happened at Sunburn😂 He gets me into trouble many a times but that can be overlooked xD
Thank you gaanja for being there always🍁 LY😘
@siddhartha_dayani and I have known each other for a year maybe. I can trust him with anything whatsoever. Our calls are crazy💪
We've helped each other with all our problems. Thank you Dayani for all that you've done for me. I'll never be able to pay back. LY❤
Also, WIDN was crazy with you guys. The sleepover was supposed to be yesterday by the way😂
#class7 #AuntyJi #Lakkhan
Enough said. Bye now.😊

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