
Priyanka Ahuja

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heyy ur frnd kinjal is commtd sum views on her ???..

besides the fact that i don't believe in relationships, he is an amazing bf i must say. The way he handles kinjal, i swear to god nobody can ever do that and I mean it! *touchwood*

Wat shud i do im feelin so fucked up im tryin to study physics since morning bt cant undrstnd a thing im so useless i wanna die :'(

ahh...i know that feel bro! i hate science!
and you're not useless, so chill. It happens with almost everyone, so relax, take rest and after sometime start studying. :)

hi :) We dont know each other but was just scrolling through my ask and my eyes caught your dp. You look so good n so read few of your answers. You seem quite interesting. So wanna be friends???? :)

sure :) come off?

How cn i help my gf feel bettr she is havin mood swings,....gets into an argument widout any reason,feels irrtated,angry and den aftr a while feels sad nd starts cryin ,tells me 2 leave her alone bt i really wanna make her feel good and help her get through this plz help me

well...i guess she's having PMSing.
What you can do is-
1. give her chocolates
2. be with her all the time
3. when she tells you to go away just kiss her
4. When she gets angry on you, hug her and say sorry.
I hope it will work out.
Liked by: 'Haneen♥;

i have a bf, and he is ignoring me frm 6-7 days. i dnt know wts wrong wid him! we wr so great together nd now suddenly all this! he doesnt answer my cls, replies me so late nd everytime when i msg him he says that hes bsy. i dnt know wt to do i'm really confused! pls cn u hlp me out?

Ask him what is wrong with him! And baby learn to love yourself. If you're really important in his life then he'll talk to you no matter what, if not then i'm sorry to say but he's just not the right one. I know it hurts, it really does but the fact is that you are getting affected by his ignorance but what about him? Think about it! You should stop crying for a guy who doesn't even care about you! Is he crying for you? Then why you?


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