
Pearl Cheong

Ask @Puchipearl

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Why do you or don't you smile back at strangers?

I've got a bit of social anxiety yup :p N I don't have a pleasant smile so haha 😂 So unless u realli stop and smile/wave or me It'll be quite rare for me to smile. I'm trying to change tho :3
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'For a certain reason' I'm so curious on ur reason hahaha

Yeah I've got a lot of problems haha :/ Like I know it's definitely not right to procrastinate for so long but it's a routine that I've done since primary school and it has worked. But I'm failing right now so I noe I should do sth abt it. If you want to know the reason you can dm me abt it. I'll tell you in private! :)

How often do u do your revision

I only revise on the day before the subject's exam for a certain reason. It's highly unadvisable tho! :p

Can show b4 & after photos?

From top left 2012(end of yr)
top middle 2013(middle of yr)
top right 2014(end of yr)
the one tht im eating 2015(middle of yr)
bottom left 2015(end of yr)
last one is now 2016

Are the people you've gone to school with cooler than most?

We're definitely not mainstream. But we're super cool in our own way. Like we definitely know 1000% more about K-pop or Anime/Manga than most people in the entire school :)

Can u close ur mum w/o showing ur teeths

If u mean close my mouth. Nope! Rabbit/bucktooth ftw 🙆🏼 If u noe me irl u'll noe the ans luh

Do u noe tis guy with slighlty died hair his name id Eren

I only noe Eren Yeager and I tink he has natural brown hair so nope

When did u start growing your hair and how long did it take

I tink shld be start of P3? Erm abt 2/3 yrs? Sorry I hav stm haha. Ever since then I've never had short hair. I still plan to grow my hair longer tho just becuz some girl at sch told me to cut my hair out of spite so I'll grow it longer HOHOHOHO

Do u go salon to cut/dye ur hair?

I've never dyed my hair in my whole life. And no, I don't go to 'salons'. I do get my hair cut once a year by ermm my mums' (retired) hairdresser tht charges slightly more than the average neighbourhood hairdressers. Every month or so I will attempt to cut my fringe n I'll always fail but I don't giv up hehe. N every 6 months or so I juz go to some random shop near my hse to trim the ends of my hair shorter. It's like $10?

Do you like parties with 12 people or parties with 60?

Ermmm if I had 1 vvv good close BFF or just a handful good friens would be enuf. I feel awk when there's an odd number of people at a place if including myself in the headcount. Cuz I hav a phobia and it always comes true, ppl split up into pairs or groups of 4 then end up I'm the odd one out. Aish. Social anxiety problems 101. 😣

3 materialistic things u cant live wo rn

- Coloured contact lenses
- Foundation
- idk. Clothes? I dun wanna be exposed /shudders/

Is ur class bonded? Is it ok not to like talk to my classmates?

Mmmmm. Tbh I dun tink my class is bonded haha. Cuz got 4 'cliques' and I only ever talk to 2 other people from classduring sch :p IMMA LONER OK I ADMIT :p N during hols i only kip in contact wif 1 person from my class. Disclaimer: I'm an anti-social introvert in case you didn't noe. But the whole Jun hols my class didn't go out AT ALL and I thought tis class was more 'bonded' than my sec 3/4 class cuz even then they still had class outings. I guess my class just isn't that close? Compared to other classes especially. N I mean like for me, I don't realli tok to others as well haha so I feel u a lot. As long as you don't have ongoing disputes with them I tink living life by yourself, wif ur fam or other fwens is perfectly fine. I can't click wif my classmates so I prefer to talk to those from other classes or other people in general. :D

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Always having a headache sounds bad... Go for a check up soon?

Mmmm if I get enuf slp then I normally wun get headaches like during holidays I'm mostly fine cuz I slp 8 hrs. But it's during sch term which is like 80% of the yr where I only sleep 4-5hrs a day during weekdays. So it's like lack of sleep and stress on top of it all cuz idk how to deal wif sch so yeah tht contributes to headaches. I don't think doctors really have much to say cuz I consulted them b4 and they say it's juz lack of slp n stress. So there's really no solution unless I quite sch which is like obviously out of the question 🌚 Tks for caring tho :)

do u as in like those type of skinny guys tht hav fringe but look like a noob

Yesh sounds pretty close to my 'type' actually


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