

Ask @QueenBad

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What are you busy with today?

Going to cheerleading practice
Then packing for Panama City
And packing for this program I'm gonna spend in the dorms Sunday - Friday
Tryna learn the rest of the cheers
Doing some soul searching

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Do you regret anything?

making a facebook, me not preping for being a cheerleader Umm I regret meeting alot of ppl I regret alot :(

What’s the one most important thing to get done today?

get throw my talk with my aunt :( I mean 50/50 percent done

What is the stupidest thing you have ever done?

hmmm alot I don't see how I make straight A's I stay doing stupid stuff

How do you know when you're in love?

I get butterflies around the person, haven't felt that in about a year or a yr and 6 months lol

Where did you meet your best friend?

in middle school at 6th grade trip to the bowling At Yea me ND shawdy been thugging 4 years

If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be?

make wise decisions not smart but WISE

Who do you trust more, your friends or your parents?

neither everyone has let me down in a way these past 3 years

If you had to choose a type of color that you thought represented yourself, which would it be?

Neon Blue!!!
I'm a very vibrant person! I'm cool quiet a Lil annoying at times a Lil bossy at times so Uhh I'm moody! but I'm not perfect I'm just a very well rounded person

Have you ever loved someone you have not met?

Yeeaaaaaaaaa Drake !!!!! Ima meet him one day wait till his concert come back to Tallahassee Security better be strictly inforced

What is the very last thing you do before you settle in to fall asleep at night?

make sure my phone charging

What do you think about marriage?

scares me, not the fact that I'm getting tied down scares me it's the fact I don't wanna marry the wrong person

What's your number one rule in life?

don't mess up do what you gotta do do what you need to do! everythings on you now!!!!!

What is your favorite restaurant?

Logan's and Red Robins.........
Ohh wait cheesecake factory!!!!

What is the most important thing you have learned in life?

To do what I gotta do everyday is a test in life either you pass or fail


Language: English