

Ask @Queen_cashi

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Okay so you bullied Mason and then hugged him HOW RUDE AGAHAHAH poor Mason

Hey mason should be used to this by now we all bullied him but he really doesn't care so 😕
Okay so you bullied Mason and then hugged him HOW RUDE AGAHAHAH poor Mason
Liked by: Keisha

What would you grow in your imaginary garden?

Roses and I will make them black ... Like my soul jk my soul isn't black it's dark grey

What is your favourite line from a movie?

Does it have to be a movie can it be Brendon urie drunk history on fob... Well Brendon poured his beer all over himself and they shouted at the camera guy asking where his drink was and they told him that he poured it over himself his reaction was...what!? Then a few minutes later he's like why is my shirt wet 😹😂 ok but from a real movie it would be little rascals I think where one kid was like quick what's the number for 9-1-1 and the other said I don't know or at the end when the quiet kid talked. He was like woah _ talked and the the kid said some smartass shit
Liked by: Keisha


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