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What is the best thing that has ever happened to you?

eni .... ummmmmm !!! el9ra7a wayeed ashyaaa2 makou shay 56ar 3ala balii al7een !!!

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What’s on your mind?

umm... eni arou7 anaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam a6wal noouma b7yatii wala a7ad yga3dnii mnha (( a5eeeeh bss wain halnouma ))

What is your idea of a romantic evening?

a5eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 3ala halso2aaal ;P ma ra7 agoulkoum 3shan l7ad yboug fkrti ;)
hahaha ana shrera kefii ;)

Which do you think is more important: following the dreams your parents want for you or following your own dreams?

6b3an 7ilmii 5ou mnu ra7 y788a '3eri ??

Name three things you have never done, but would like to do?

walashai ma sweeta kil shai eb5aa6rii saweeta afa 3aleekoum ma a5lii shay eb5a6ri


Language: English