
Rachel Clark

Ask @RachelVClark

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Are there any boys you would date if you weren't with Austin?

.... I can't see myself in a relationship with anybody but him.

cutest junors?

Oh man that's a tough one. I love my junior boys<3 I would have to say Bryan Johnson, Stephen Grinager, or Jesse Reyes

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5 favorite seniors from this year then 5 from last year?

Last year: Honestly, I loved all of them. Thankfully I still get to see most of them<3 This year: this is a weird question because this is my class so obviously I love them all

If you feel stressed what would you do to reduce it?

Get whatever I'm stressed about done. Only way to make it go away.

When is the last time you told somone you love them?

This would be the question of the day... Last time would be this morning when I said bye to Austin


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