
Rafael Quintana

Ask @RafaProgMetal

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Which famous person have you met or been close to?

Ive met a lot of my favorite artists however not close with any of them.

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How did you come up with your username?

Simple my nickname and my favorite sub-genre in metal progressive metal which most people know im very passionate about and defines my musical style as far as guitar playing.

Having said that, I gave Frequency Unknown a go today. Complete garbage, sucks dick in a big way. I feel optimistic for the Ryche however, been a fan for quite some time and I think they can deliver one or two good albums. Will never be the same without DeGarmo though.

Daniel Domenech
Tate should retire he has lost most of his voice,the music he is coming up with is terrible in every matter and his dickish attitude on top of it makes it even worse.I lost all respect for him. As for the new QR the new record was phenomenal! LaTorre is an amazing frontman has an exceptional voice and guess what he is humble i am psyched to see this new QR live at some point.

Yeah, people don't always agree on when a band sucks and when it doesn't. Anyways, are you familiar with the band Agalloch? Not sure if they're your kinda thing but I'd say they're somewhat similar to Opeth.

Daniel Domenech
Heard the name but have never actually listened to them might give them a try too much music man its hard to keep up even when you are a music freak like you or me.
Liked by: Daniel Domenech

Do you frequently have discussions with other music lovers on which albums are good and which suck? Are there often disagreements on the matter?

Daniel Domenech
All the time my friend, life story and yes there are often disagreements when it comes to music even with people of similar tastes. With people who listen to commercial crap only i dont even bother they clearly dont know shit as pretentious as it may sound :P
Liked by: Daniel Domenech

me puedes recomendar para algún trabajo en Microsoft?

Si eres bueno en lo que haces quizas aunque ahora mismo no trabajo en Microsoft mi ultimo trabajo con ellos fue hasta agosto 2012.

dropbox? google drive? onedrive? wtfdrive?

dropbox! aun no he tratado google drive! Use Onedrive cuando se llamaba skydrive pero es muy desorganizado prefiero dropbox por que bajo el app a mi desktop y paso los files directo mucho mas facil que estar partiendo files grandes en .rar para poder subirlos!

Do you keep your room clean or messy?

Weekdays so so on weekends i put everything back in order. Weeks get hectic

Are there any albums that other people think suck but you like?

Daniel Domenech
Heritage from Opeth i think is genius and a lot of people bashed it. Probably because its not "metal enough" It has amazing classic prog elements which i love. So hey there you go.
Liked by: Daniel Domenech

Just wanted to share that I'm one of the few who thinks Queensryche's latter-day era wasn't all that bad. I will admit that OM2 and DtC pretty much suck, but I can get by with Tribe, Q2K, HitNF and American Soldier. I'm in the minority there though, most like them only up to PL.

Daniel Domenech

Is shopping a form of entertainment for you?

well online shopping for geeky shit maybe. When i go to the mall though i usually know what i want maybe check a little . Maybe can spend 2 hours looking at stuff. Now on a music store thats a whole different story.

Eclipse or Visual Studio?

I know visual studio better so i guess that one although Microsoft tends to overcomplicate shit on syntax and class names,

sith or jedi?

tough but jedis dont kill each other lol. Although there are some siths i freaking love. This is difficult.

What do you think people think of you?

Honestly im guessing some people like me some dont. Honestly dont care i am who i am regardless.


i know i need to catch up. I need time and the series needs to end.

¿Cómo es la economía en los estados unidos?

No soy un experto en economia para tener eso claro. Se que no esta tampoco en las mejores condiciones pero al menos en el estado al cual me mude(Texas) se encuentra bastante estable y hay bastantes oportunidades de empleo. Pero definitivamente PR esta en una condición terrible y vivir ahi ahora mismo es quedarse estancado en mi opinion.

Did it take time for you to get into Opeth?

Daniel Domenech
Actually not a whole lot , i almost immediately fell in love with the haunting melodies. Akerfeldt's voice especially clean and his growling voice is really different from the pack. Opeth is just pure genius. That prog/death metal combination really changed my perspective in a lot of things. Remember started listening to opeth around the time the lamentations dvd came out.When i listened to Windowpane i knew this band was going to be a favorite. And then Master's apprentice i was a fan.
Liked by: Daniel Domenech

Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?

No im extremely cheap when it comes to buying clothes. This weekend i actually have to spend money on clothes since im going to a wedding.... oh well..

Why do you want people to ask you questions?

I dont know this is called ask.fm for a reason lol? Also it kills boredom i dont use this as often though but if somebody want to know something i dont mind.


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