
Flame Burst, Eclipse, Jackel

Ask @Razor211

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How do you see yourself spending your time in your old age?

Eclipse:Sorry...Flame and Jackel went off into the forest to find something. I'll be here to answer the question. We never age but, I would just find myself going through my books and somewhat making new potions...I guess. Oh I hope Rosey comes back....

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Describe your life in five words?

Flame: Crazy,Fast,Best,Strange,Cool.
Eclipse: Long,Great,Bright,Slow,Nice.
Jackel: Fast,Long,Adventurous,Free,Bright.

What's one thing you hate sharing?

Flame & Eclipse:Death...
Eclipse:Making someone die with you sucks...Because it would be your fault and you'd carry that guilt for the rest of your afterlife...
Liked by: Corrupted Reznut

What is it you most dislike?

Flame: Knowing my parents were assassinated and I wasn't there to save them...
Eclipse: Losing anypony that I cared for...
Jackel: Watching this whole universe crumble and noticing I can only survive that....
Liked by: Corrupted Reznut

Jackel:Maybe its time I talk about myself...Shall we?

Flame Burst, Eclipse, Jackel
Name:Jackel Scrollspire
Relatives:Flame Burst, Eclipse
Interests:The lost ruins within Equestria(He goes through them finding treasure even if it almost kills him.)
Clever, Fast thinker, Extremely strong, Can read minds, and decode mysterious languages and symbols.
Quote:"Time is forever following us... And if we can manipulate time... We can manipulate space as well."
Liked by: Corrupted Reznut

What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer?

Flame:*goes searching for something on laptop*Hmmmm...*types one letter and it gives links to thousands of porn sites*O_O....Eclipse....
Eclipse:CURSE YOU IMP!!!!!!!
Liked by: Corrupted Reznut

Where will you go on your next trip?

Flame:I feel like going to another galaxy!
Eclipse:Well just don't leave this dimension or else...
Flame:Or else what?
Eclipse:This dimension will slowly be destroyed...
Liked by: Corrupted Reznut


Language: English