
Fiona Fox And Scourge

*she wobbles and grows*

VanHikari’s Profile PhotoVan Hikari
Ophelia: Oh my… Hold on Sister. I’ll fix you right up. *she says casting a reversal spell on him*
Fluff: “Sister”? That’s silly. I’m a boy not a girl! *he chuckles as he glows… but nothing happens*
Ophelia: What? *she keeps trying the spell, but nothing happens* I don’t understand… Why aren’t you changing back?!

Latest answers from Fiona Fox And Scourge

((Okay. I’m starting to get tired of this…))

RealFionafox’s Profile PhotoFiona Fox And Scourge
((I’ve tried to adjust to all the BS changes this site has made but frankly, I’m at my breaking point. Between the random questions from randos I don’t follow, to the absolutely bonkers and explicit questions said randos send, I just can’t take it any more. And since Ask doesn’t seem to want to fix this I have officially lost all patience with the site. Shame since it used to be so good too. @VanHikari @LouisYamato , I’d love to continue these RPs but not here. Not anymore. If ya’ll feel the same way then I’ll gladly make a Discord server just for the three of us to continue. ))

Mr. Fluff: hehehe....this is fun *keeps swelling like a marshmallow in a microwave*

VanHikari’s Profile PhotoVan Hikari
Ophelia: Oh my god… I have to stop this… before he gets too big….

Fluff: youre funny *gets bigger, the room heating up*

VanHikari’s Profile PhotoVan Hikari
Ophelia: This is not good. We need to get you out of here… before you… ooph… Why is so hot all of a sudden?

Fluff: hm? What's wrong miss? *glows*

VanHikari’s Profile PhotoVan Hikari
Ophelia: Shima? Good lord, What happened to you?
Mr. Fluff: “Shima”? Who’s that? I’m Mr. Fluff silly! ^_^

*it locks on fluff

VanHikari’s Profile PhotoVan Hikari
Ophelia: Huh? No, that can’t be right… *she does it again but it locks on the marshmallow man again* What? How? How does this big bumbling marshmallow boy have my sister’s… energy… *she looks at Mr. Fluff some more… the realization slowly coming to her* …..S-Sister?

Mr. Fluff: nope. Just squishy ol me

VanHikari’s Profile PhotoVan Hikari
Ophelia: Right…. *she looks him over* Well in any case I still suspect she may be here. I tracked her energy signature to this spot. I know she’s here somewhere. Maybe if I just… *she starts scanning for Shima’s energy again*

Mr. Fluff: must not be her then. Good thing cause she isnt here

VanHikari’s Profile PhotoVan Hikari
Ophelia: Well yes, she isn’t the one I’m looking for. I’m looking for my sister. She’s a fox, has orange fur, is around my age. Seen anyone like that?

*a short chubby marshmallow man is waving*

VanHikari’s Profile PhotoVan Hikari
Ophelia: *blinks and slowly approaches him* Um… Hello there sir. I’m looking for someone and I think she may be here…

Language: English