

Ask @Rebeccahbecca

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Close your eyes and think of five things that make you smile when you think about them. What are they?

Mhmmm my friends, weed, LOL idk what else:)
Liked by: Timothy Santos

What is one thing you refuse to share?

If I refuse to share it then why am I gonna say it? Dumbass

Brazil is hate. Brazil isn't life. Mexico is love. Mexico is life.

Ummmmm no you got it all wrong Brazil is love it's life<333

What is your goal in life?

IDK BUT RN IM SOOOOO FREAKIN HAPPY I JUST TURNED IN MY LAST FREAKIN FREAKIN HISTORY ASSIGNMENT YAY!!!! @ 12AM sharp (lol the deadline) im the queen of procrastinaing x)<3 but nowww its.......SUMMER!!!!!:) YAY!!!!:)
Liked by: Timothy Santos

What does the phloem of a plant do?

The phloem of a plant distributes sucrose and nutrients produced by the plant during photosynthesis to the rest of the plant tissue lol look at me soundin like a nerd :D lol

If you could meet a famous person, whom would you like to meet?

Iggy Azalea/Jennifer lawrence :) <333


Language: English