
Sophie Scarlet.

Ask @RedCookieMonster

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Tell me the story about how the sun loved the moon so much he died every night to let her breathe...

.. There is a story, actually. :D
It's too long, but in a nutshell the sun is the woman and the man is the moon. The sun has to die every night so the moon can live, without the sun there would be no moon. They depend on each other and her death gives him life which would otherwise not happen, and it is their bond that gives each other what they want and need. It is the heart of love and romance, and then there are the untold stories of a dying moon.
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kade vleze sled 7 klas? V koq gimnaziq te prieha?

Национална Хуманитарна гимназия "Св. св. Кирил и Методий" и определено не съжалявам. <3

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Самото значение на името е "i'll-fated" - обречен на нещастие, нещастен. Така се казва героиня от пиеса на Шекспир - Othello.
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По-голямата част не мислят това, което казват.

не исках да се ядосваш :) прощавай. Ако мога да се реванширам някак кажи ми

Няма нужда.
Liked by: - Hello.


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