Name 5 things You never done, but U want to

1-umm arou7 sba8 syarat w ana alii asou8 alsyara B)
2-an6 mn al6yara :P
3-ykoun 3ndii gun w 3'rfa fa9'ya so i can shot everywhere :D
4-break a guitar like rockstars =))
5-umm mafii shy zyada al7een bs mt2kda fe ashyaa2 ktheer ab3'a asweeha :D
^ m3laish shwy mjnouna :D
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Latest answers from Reem

What problems did you have in school?

wooohh a lot like getting in trouble for breaking 2 doors and skipping lots of classes and way more =)) haha

What is one thing you have tried to change, but couldn't?

a7awl a3lm alnas shy esma alne9'am :) bs llasf

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