

Ask @Reesify

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What is the secret to you being so very awesome?

Erm. no secret. I truly don't believe I do anything special. I'm just honest with myself.
though it did take a while to be mostly comfortable with my own weirdness. it's been an ongoing process. :D
Liked by: Revenar

If you could live in any fictional universe what would it be?

Harry Potter world, duh. but if I could be guaranteed a force user, I'd live in the star wars universe.

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Would you erase your most precious memories to become smarter?

I'm not a terribly sentimental person and I feel I'm intelligent enough for my life.
I'd give them up for the ability to articulate my thoughts in the moment instead of well after the fact, though.

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

Introvert. 110%
I can go out with friends and have fun, but I need "me time" to recharge. And prefer being left alone or whatever.

You ever got a Bare bottom spanking? (as a punishment, NOT in sexual way) Stings like hell!

Maybe when I was a kid? I think my dad always threatened it but never did.

What's more sensitive to kisses, your neck or inner thigh

like, Hershey kisses? That shit goes right to your thighs.

What do you think about more than anything else?

Probably sex. and the guy I'm talking to. and both combined. so yknow. dirty things.

how many times do you wipe your eye then look at your finger when you get watery eyes?

Erm. I... don't know?

How's single life treating you?

Lovely. :) I needed this experience more than I realized. I have to learn how to be my own person and because of that, I have grown quite a bit in a short amount of time.

Lets play three kings. Name the three people in your life who fit these descriptions. The white knight, the wise mentor and the evil villain.

Hmm. I almost couldn't think of anyone to label as a White Knight, but then I realized one of my employees would fit the bill.
Wise mentor would probably be my ex. He is extremely good at reading people and knowing what they want or need to do.
In that same vein, my ex is also an evil villain because he is so good at reading people. When he wants to he can manipulate someone to do what he wants while making them think it's what they want. Shit's scary to witness when you recognize it happening.

What are you most looking forward to at BlizzCon? The people, the games, or the parties?

People. :D There's a lot of people I want to meet and hang out with and have fun with. And probably not enough hours in the day. Haha.

What do you enjoy about bear tanking, and/or why do you like it more than other tanking styles?

That's a hard one to pinpoint. I fell in love with Druids during the WoW trailer. I didn't get a chance to start Bear tanking until the very end of BC when I was inspired by two very good bears.
I can't really say why I prefer it more over other tanking styles. it just fit me. I love the shapeshift aspect that Druids have more than anything else.
Plus I get to be a bear. That's enough for me. :D


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