
Reina Ghalayini

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Describe your dream girl / guy :)

Every girl looks for that guy who will make her feel like a princess. He'll have manners, intelligence, a sense of humor, and a kind heart. He'll be the one to hold her when she's upset and make her laugh 'til she cries. He treats her like she's his treasure. Hold her hand on a terrifying ride at a park or during a scary movie, give her his jacket when it's cold, he goes out of his way to make sure she gets home safely. He should be concerned for her safety at all times. The one who asks her questions and learn about her interests. Tell her the little things about her that he loves. Maybe it's her smile, perhaps it's her caring nature, or possibly her incredible sense of humor. Don't tell her she's "hot" or "sexy"; tell her she's "beautiful", "irreplaceable". He Let her know that he values her thoughts and respect her as a person. Be there for her when she needs you most. Let her cry mascara all over your favorite tee shirt; she will remember that you let her do this and it will make her love you even more. The one who leaves her little notes, call/email/text her just to see how her day is going, send her love letters, tell her she's beautiful, leave a single rose on her doorstep. He's the one that you can stay up late with him watching the starts..The perfect guy must be honest! Not only in telling you truths, but honesty with his own feelings, wants and desires.. Easy to talk to. Funny. Comforting. Boy who's not afraid to kiss you now and then. A cute boy. Lovely personality. Understands you and listens to what you say. Never even thinks about breaking your heart. Not afraid to hold your hand in public. Acts the same way in front of his friends as he does when he's alone with you. Late night chats... The perfect one is the one who goes with you shopping chooses the best outfit that suites you... You can be yourself when you're around him.. joke around and burst out of laughter... He's the one that no matter what you did he'll always love you for who you are and hold your hand every single day to tell you "I LOVE YOU"

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I dare you to put the sexiest pic you have, and get 50 likes on it!! (LOL you can't). post the pic as an answer! if you collect more than 50 likes,you can dare me to do whatever you want(i promise i will ask you again if you win so you can know me

I have a life :|
Liked by: Liman Tabsh Lynn

I dare you to ask Jana al awa : Plz ktebileh paragraphe 3ayesh 3an el harb el 3alamiyeh el tenyeh

HAHAHA okaayy :P


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