
Kuwaiti girl

Ask @Ressered

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كنت من أجمل من تابعت في هذا الموقع وبما أن رسالتي هذه وصلتك .. فأنت ممن تعجبني صفحته ... إن كان هناك من إنجاز ولو صغير فهو تواصلي معك والإستفاده منك ورسم البسمه على وجهي مجرد قرائتي لسؤال ما من عندك أو قراءة إجابه في صفحتك ... أتمنى لك في هذه السنه الجديده كل التوفيق والنجاح والسعاده والرزق يارب ^_^

Langrisser’s Profile PhotoKing of Darkness
وانت يا محمد من اجمل ما تابعت
واتمنى انه في هذي السنه الجديده ربي يحقق لك كل ما تتمناه
Liked by: خ King of Darkness

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أين يعيش السعداء ؟

في الجنه
لآَ حزنَ لآَ تععبَ لآ مرضَ لآَ يأسَ لآ دموعَ لآ آشتيآق
آللهمَ نسألكَ رضَاك و آلجنهّ ♡
Liked by: خ King of Darkness

October my best month EVER especially its 31 where the fun is double .... Birthday + Halloween YESSSSSSSS xDDD ...

Langrisser’s Profile PhotoKing of Darkness
well I'm sorry but Feb is the best because it's Birthday and  
 valentine loooool

Hey Everyone, So I have this annoying question that has been bothering me for a while, What is it with people and beginnings, why do they have to make decisions and change themselves only with the new year, why can't they just do it in October ? October sounds like a good month, don't you think ? :D

Langrisser’s Profile PhotoKing of Darkness
looooool well I totally disagree with you Mohammed because February sounds like a good month
Liked by: King of Darkness

يا هلا باللي ما يسئلوون

يا هلا فيج ، اعذريني خيتوو
انشغلت بدراستي وبعدين لا هنتي ليش ما تدقين لوووول
Liked by: King of Darkness

hola amigos pendejos

Duai Alkhal
lol hola Duaij el pendejos
How are you man !? I hope your doing well with your classes
Say hi to your mother from me ;) and stay out of trouble little brother

متى رجعتي للصفحة ؟ أشتقنا لطلتك

Thank you my anonymous
actually I've been busy so I'm not sure I will ever come back to my page
Liked by: D7OOM

شُخٍصَ وآحـَـَد " لا حآڪآنيً بعز |[ ضِيقتيْ ]| غصَب عني اْبتسِم ‘ لو آلدموِوِع بـْ محٍآجرهَآ ..!! مين هذا الشخص بالنسبه لك ..!!

My soul
My parents
My family and my best friends

What makes you emotional?

lBLACKl’s Profile Photo☣☠(ᙖLᗩᙅK)☠☣
Seeing old people alone...breaks my heart. You know when you see the old all hunched over man riding the bus alone or eating a biscuit in an resturant all alone? Or the old woman shopping by herself? Breaks my heart and makes me want to cry, I hate seeing them alone :(
seeing people on the streets who're begging for money and have no where to live.


Language: English