
Rev. Stuart Campbell

Ask @Rev_Stu

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Sports Mixtures! Maynards or Lions? Dodgy blackcurrant or luscious liquorice?

I feel you've loaded that question, and in exactly the wrong way.

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What's your favourite game of the last few years? Probably had little time to play what with Wings but assume you still keep a bit up to date with gaming?

Not sure what counts as a "few", but the one I've undoubtedly spent most time with in the last two generations of gaming hardware is Bangai-O Spirits on the Nintendo DS, which I spent *hundreds* of hours playing.
I loved all the Bangai-O games (up to the crushingly disappointing Xbox 360 one), but Spirits is just absolutely glorious mayhem, six different kinds of game crammed into one, and I downloaded scores and scores of the genius MP3-based user levels to extend it. I want to play it right now, but Wings would vanish for a week.
Liked by: Carin schwartz

Walkers pickled onion, Monster Munch pickled onion or if you can remember Tudor pickled onion??

I remember Tudor pickled onion very well, and that would make it a very hard choice between them and Walkers. Pickled onion flavouring varies wildly by producer, and nobody's ever replicated that very distinctive taste the Tudor ones had. I remember it clearly.
I'm enormously saddened by how restricted the range of crisp manufacturers has become these days, and I get very nostalgic when looking at things like the 1980s Crisp Packets page on Facebook or visiting the Museum of Brands and Packaging in London.

Is there a big queue of questions that people have asked, or is this live?

There's a very big queue, and I'm doing them in no particular order.

What do you miss most about Scotland/Scottish people living in Bath, and what do you think you would miss if you moved back?

Strawberry tarts and warmer weather, in that order.

I know this is a really hard question, but for you personally who is the most despicable active politician the UK today and why?

It seems hard until you think about it for a second, then the words "Iain Duncan Smith" just burn themselves into your synapses. Esther McVey actually seems more contemptible, but she's just the monkey grinding his organ, if you'll forgive the image.
Liked by: Carin schwartz

Do you think it would be a good idea for the SNP to include a promise to hold a devo max referendum in their 2016 manifesto?

No, but it wouldn't be the worst idea to call for one on whatever devolution settlement ends up getting through Westminster.

Why does Jim Murphy want to be Scottish regional manager and leave Westminster?

To keep himself in the news, is my best guess. He'd been shunted into a cobwebby corner by Miliband and was in danger of becoming invisible. He's watched the UK-wide profile Salmond got from being FM and fancies a bit of that.
Liked by: Carin schwartz

Do you think everyone on Twitter should go under their own identity?

I think there should be a lot more accountability - it's amazing how uncooperative online companies like Twitter, Facebook and WordPress are allowed to be to the law - but it's a tricky one because you'd end up outlawing accounts like the brilliant Alistair Darling parody or UKIP Trumpton.
So I'd say on balance that anonymity should be preserved as the default, but identities should be on file so that where there's solid evidence of serious threats or harassment the police can act. You'd need a lot of safeguards on that to prevent unwarranted snooping, though. It's a difficult area.

Pittodrie or new stadium?

Hmm, good question. I don't know if Pittodrie is in such a state that it's going to become cripplingly expensive to maintain or anything, but generally speaking I like a bit of tradition in football, so I'd rather see an old ground improved (like Easter Road and Tynecastle have been) than a move if it's at all practical.

If someone offered me 25 SNP seats in the general election I would bite their hand off right now. Does this make me a pessimist, optimist or realist?

I'm not sure any of those is exactly the right word - "pragmatist" might be closer. "Realist" implies they couldn't get any more, and I'm not sure that's the case, but a pragmatist takes a "bird in the hand" view.
I'm not sure I wouldn't do the same thing - 25 would be a hefty block to wield in what's likely to be a pretty fragmented Parliament - but 30 or more would be a monumental result, and those few extra might make all the difference.

Do you think you would have been as politically engaged around the referendum had you been living in Scotland? Live abroad myself and recognise that distance had made my heart grow fonder

I think so, yeah. I've wanted independence for as long as I can remember, well before I moved down here. I suspect I'd have been just as irritated by the abysmal media as I was, and writing is my main skill so I'd have looked to deploy that rather than knocking on doors or whatever. I'm not much cop at that sort of thing.

Do you think the Referendum might have been won if the SNP hadnt opened themselves up to attacks on currency by pledging a Scottish currency?

No. The No campaign would have just attacked all the potential problems with a Scottish currency instead. As they would have if we'd proposed joining the Euro, or any other option.

When did The Simpsons stop being good?

I think it stopped SEEMING good when Family Guy started, when it suddenly looked like a fuddy-duddy. I'm not sure if the writing actually got any worse. I haven't watched it in years.

Who would win in a physical fight between Ed Miliband and David Cameron?

Cameron, no contest. Private school teaches you to be ruthless and fight dirty.

"Independence will make all Scottish people much more attractive..." What?

You know it will. Who wants to go out with someone who still lives with their mum?

What do you make of that absolute moon howler blogger, Ian Smart?

"Absolute moon howler" seems to sum it up pretty well.

If you could be any philosopher -- Greek, Roman, or German -- which 90s boy band would you listen to while composing your tracts?

The answer to all 90s boyband questions is "East 17".

You have one of the sharpest minds I follow on Twitter. Just a shame about profanities. Must be my age.

I don't practice dictionary apartheid. They're just sounds. Get over it.


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