Ask @Reyden_

If I think about having sex with girls am I a lesbian?

No, it may be that you want honey, or you are just curious. A lesbian when you like women and you don't feel anything at all for a man.

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Have you ever had a bout of depression…and what brought you back?

Yes of course; what brought me back was searching for the truth even if it hurt. Understand that the ego is not me and that if the truth hits me, it does it to propel me up and I learned that if the lie, self-pity or self-deception shakes my hand it is only to take me to an endless bottom. You are enough and you do not need anything outside of yourself, only when you betray yourself looking outside is when you get depressed, because with that you confirm that you are not enough and your Spirit agonizes with that idea. A person may not know how to solve their problems or know how to carry out their role in life, but Enjoying life consists of enjoying oneself, demanding more every day from yourself, that instinct of self-improvement is what gives you the final push. To get out of the hole, it does not serve to be a wise scholar, it only serves to strive to be a better version of yourself every day.

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