
Rhysson Chua

Ask @RhyssonChua

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What do u regret most? (Looking for a more specific answer if u dont mind haha)

actually there's no specific incident. i don't dwell over my regrets for long. i make a wrong decision, i'll hate myself and regret for awhile, and then i'll move on. but i always remind myself about my mistakes in my own solitude times so that i'll remember to not do the same again. i don't think you can properly classify this as regrets because i've stopped crying over spilled milk since long ago.

what do u regret most?

some of the decisions that i've made in life. but i try to live on about it. however i have a feeling that the regret will haunt me in my late years.

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What do you think the reason would be for a girl who went overseas to stay with her bf and now doesn't wanna come home??

many reasons, for which some are rather obvious. but if you know the girl well enough i guess you should be able to tell what's the real reason behind it.

what's your horoscope? is your personality like what it says? please describe.. lol

im not much of a horoscope person. but i'm an aquarius, so you tell me whether it matches my personality :)

why dark chocolate? why not milk chocolate or white chocolate or those chocolates with almonds or nuts or fruits?

because dark chocolate. nothing. beats. dark. chocolate.

What are you most confident about in yourself? Do you identify yourself as low on confidence, confident, or over-confident?

i'm most confident about my confidence. confidenception, deal with it. i consider myself in the confident, but slightly over-confident range. it's a problem, but i'm living with it quite fine i guess?

describe your first time having sex

never did haha how to describe. but according to some reviews online i believe it's not gonna be as good as you think it'll be, just in case you're planning to try it ;)

What do you feel like eating?

as of now, most probably steak. i haven't had a good steak in ages :/ if you're gonna deliver or something, medium rare with mint sauce thank you.

Happiest primary school moments

nothing but causing trouble in school :D running around, playing with my friends, piggyback rides etc etc :D

How do you survive lecture?

Pay attention lols. If you're falling asleep, scroll your phone a bit then pay attention again XD

Do share: 1. What you think your weaknesses are; and 2. What weaknesses others have identified in you (or notified you about)?

1. My temper
2. My temper

Are you angry when u didn't get an appologize from the people who blame fault on you?

I'm not angry, just disappointed.

tell me a deep secret about yourself

obey the rules: question format please :P
anyway if i told you, then it won't be a secret anymore.

What is your unforgettable moment?

there's a lot lols. but i think i'll say the most unforgettable ones are the near death ones. i'll give a quick one.
back in high school when i rode the motorbike to school, there was one morning, when i was in a big curve going into the main road, i turned as how i did all the time, then suddenly there was a puddle of water in my turning path.
obviously gg la.
the instance the bike lost grip i let go and covered my face with hands (don't know why i did that when i was wearing my helmet already). i slide on the road a bit on my left arm before the friction kicked in and i started rolling. while i was sliding, i saw sparks igniting as my bike skidded on the road. after a few rolls i quickly got up and ran to the side of the road, in hopes no car comes from behind and mer-per-pancake-kan me.
lucky for me, no car came to kill me. i took off my helmet and checked my head, no blood, nice. kids, don't ever ride without a helmet, if i see you, i'll slap you. i picked up my bike, i see that my brake pedal bent, and is embedded in the engine case. so i kicked it back out, then i started the bike again.
i throttled, it moved. i braked, it stopped. so i made an illegal u-turn and ride opposite direction that turn and went back home. i went home, got myself cleaned up, my uniform didn't even tear a single bit thanks to my bag lols. but my pants suffered quite some small tears. i washed the biggest wound on my left arm, then dried it quickly. then i went back on my bike and went to school.
i walked into school with a bloody arm and blood stained pants, my favourite penolong kanan asked me if i'm okay, i told her no problem. so i went back to class, and sat for my first SPM Trials paper :D
moral of the story, don't take corner on a bike with tyre width 80 or 90, do it when you have a solid 190! and always, ALWAYS, remember your helmet, even if your destination is only 2 blocks away.

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do you miss your dog?

Very much so. Looking for a young pup to adopt now. The house needs some barking and dog poop.

What's the most expensive thing you've ever broken?

if a car counts then the recent accident probably topped everything previously

is it wrong to wish for a whole nation to die of ebola? I mean clearly we don't need them..

well this depends on who you wanna kill. lols jokes, i'm sure there are better things to wish for :)


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