

Ask @RiaKamra

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Oh hello! I protest against every animal abuse but ye religion mei hai to na mei isme kuch kr skta hu na govt. Okay but Chinese people do it for fun! And thats not religion

oh hie! you asked for views I gave them to you.. even I'm against it but what I said was logical. I did sign the petition against it. I'm not trying to prove you wrong but I think voice should be raised against the slaughtering of any animal.. be it a dog or a goat!
untick maybe?

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when bakra eid is celebrated in many parts of the world and huge no. of goats are slaughtered, no the hell ine intervenes. and now when dogs are being treated the same way, it has become an international issue. why the difference in the treatment and care shown for the two animals. after all both are animals.
p.s.- no offence!
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You are perfect bae :') you are my life ^.^ the only thing i wanna accomplish in my life, is make you smile rest of my life :') i love you so much :') you are the best that has ever happened to me. Clicking the "follow" button was a life chaningin moment for me.

well, then now that your life is changed, will you do the honours of coming off ?
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you know what? this question seemed more like a home shop 18 offer than a romantic message to me. -_-
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well, I'm overwhelmed with all these questions of yours but please come off. It's a request. Or don't send any more questions. I'm sorry for being rude. I do like surprises but now it's time to open the wrapper and see what's inside. :) okay ? I won't post if you come off.
Liked by: kriti

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You don't deserve a paragraph you deserve thousand books written about how amazing you are you are beautiful and when you smile is the best thing ever can happen.You may have many lovers but I am a fan of you.You deserve to know that you mean world to someone.Your one smile can change someone's day

thank you so much :)
after reading this I felt a little better as I now realise I've been underestimating myself since the past few days.
would've been better if you'd have unticked. next time you send a question, untick, I won't post.
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and this question means that you could use the help of a dictionary, seriously. :)
or simply pay attention in English classes.
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Now coming to the goodbyes, it never actually happened.. You know the phrase right? The worst & most painful goodbyes are the ones that are never said!


Language: English