

Ask @RiddhiRonaldo

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Thoughts? :*

Youdontmesswiththeroshwaan’s Profile PhotoRoshan Joshi
Roshaaaan ❤
You're the most senti guy ive ever met :*
All the stupidity we do is awesome k? XD
Im so free when talking to you. You understand me man :*
Summer fling remember?;$
One of my closest friend :3
Hahah we both have the same choice in football, literally same to same :o i like that xD
Its hard to find a friend like you man.
And someday she'll be yours, forever :*
I could write pages about you, but i'll stop here.
And you're an amazing friend.
I love you loads! :*
Liked by: Roshan Joshi

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My usa ticket, which my parents paid for. But thats the most they've spent on me at one, yet. =p


Language: English