
Alex Blue :)

Ask @RiggyRage

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I really really do like him but I don't know I'm just scared to let him in and stuff you know?

Which is understandable. But you need to let people know your feelings before someone else gets there and takes them away from you. Do I know him or you?

opinion on abbie Buckley?

Seems to be a really nice person. Beautiful. I don't think she notices me which saddens me :(

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What do you think about a girl going out with a guy younger than her? I really like a guy but he's 3 years younger than me and it doesn't put me off but it might put him off if I tell him you know?

I don't think age really matters tbh. stereotypically girls are usually the younger partner in a relationship. But it can work with whatever age people are. 3 years isn't a big age gap and if you like the person you should go for it :)

Question 8: Does the environment an individual lives in/experiences affect their personality? Why or why not? If so, how? (If you don't understand the question, you can ask me and I'll clarify.)

If you grow up in a shithole where you need to be tough to either fit in or protect yourself, people tend to be rougher. environment is everything.

Question 7: Why do you think society makes people who have mental illnesses out to be dangerous and violent?

Because if an ill person murders somebody, they usually get away with it. But research shows that mentally ill people can have severe mood swings

Question 6: Do you believe murderers can ever be rehabilitated? Why or why not? (Rehabilitated means restore someone to health or normal life by training and therapy after imprisonment, addiction, or illness.)

It depends on the murder I guess

Question 4: Do you think schools should promote learning about mental illnesses? Why or why not?

Yes because it's important to show that not everybody is the same and how harmful these illnesses can be.

Question 3: Can intelligence really be measured by standardized tests?

No. Everybody is better at certain things than others. Exams are comparing people on ridiculous things. Like asking a fish and a monkey to climb a tree. It's a disadvantage to the Fish.

Question 2: Do you think those who have a legitimate fear of public speaking be given a bit of leniency when asked to do public presentations? Why or why not? (I mean leniency as not forced to do the presentation or they only have to give the presentation to the teacher instead of all the students)

I think that unless they are about to die from nervousness then they don't have to do it. Groups should be made, of 4/5 and then you only have to present it to them. But they won't banish of this fear unless they tackle it.

I'm going to do another psychology themed spam. If you do not want to receive it, let me know. If any of the questions make you uncomfortable, ignore them. Please no one word answers. Question 1: Does money actually buy happiness? Why or why not?

It sort of does. Because I'd much rather go and take a girl on a date that sit at home. Most dates that are good cost money so.

Question 2: What are your thoughts on dress codes? Are they too strict? Should they be enforced in all schools?

At my high school they were really strict. It was really bad. Top button done up, blazers on in 1838393903 degree weather. shirts tucked in etc. But at some schools it's even worse like girls having to kneel down to see if the skirt touches the floor. it's pathetic tbh.

Question 1: What are your thoughts on the tv show Hoarders? Do you think the show actually helps the participant or does it dehumanize them? (Hoarders is a documentary that depicts people who suffer from compulsive hoarding disorder)

I think their is a mix really. Some documentaries do educate people on disabilities making them aware of what it is like to have these etc. But programs on popular channels such as the British one called The Undateables I think people find it more humorous than educational.
(The Undateables have 3 different people each week of the series and they have a dating service for ill people to sign up to).

Question 1: Should there be restrictions/limitations when parents are naming their child/ren or should they be able to name the child/ren whatever they want? Why or why not?

They can call their child whatever they want to

Question 2: Should schools start later in the morning? Why or why not?

They shouldn't because then we can finish earlier

Question 1: If you could choose how you would die, what would it be?

I would choose to die by maybe something quick and painless.

Question 1: Do you doodle? What do your doodles usually look like?

I doodle all of the time. I usually try to draw hair first. Then it fucks up from then onwards. I sometimes just see what happens by connecting lines up. Also I draw some possibly future tattoo ideas too.
when I was a kid, in my work books I use to draw stairs from the top left of the page to the centre:')


Language: English