

Ask @RiotGirl13

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Quiz: When's your birthday? And roughly, when did you last: 1)cry 2)hit someone 3)get drunk 4)get a bollocking 5)did some exercise 6)smoked a fag 7)gave a rats arse 8) had sex 9) went on holiday 10)flew on a plane 11)stole something 12) tweeted 13)gave up 14)impressed yourself 15)hugged 16)slept

-12th February
1) 3 weeks ago
2) yesterday
3) havent actually been drunk
4) Friday
5) did a sit up when I got out of bed this morning!^.^
6) never smoked
7) eh, can't remember
8) virgin
9) August 2014
10) September 2014
11) today
12) last Tuesday.
13) Friday
14) today
15) Sunday
16) last night

If there is one thing that you could change about the past, what would that be?

having my cousin still here with us today.
r.i.p angel✨

You are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, but you're way to good for me:(

now, you are a cutie;3
and hey, nobody is never too good for anyone.

do you have an older brother? if so, you got any suggestions on how to get bros to back off, when they put you in a headlock?

no unfortunately not.
Liked by: Kurt †✡


Language: English