
Rita Verde

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tipo é assim se tu não gostas dele nao lhe des falsas esperanças, se nao gostas dele dizes olha desculpa mas nao gosto de ti e melhor esqueceres me porque se nao desculpa mas pareces uma p***

tp lool?

i love you

Justin Bieber (✔)
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG if really you justin please respond and after seeing this I need you to see this please see: I love you so much, you're everything to me, every day I think more in thee, thou art one who gets me a smile when I need, I'm very proud of you, of beings who es and you continue to be the same with such fame, you're too importanto me. My only dream is to meet you, but I want you to know because you're not Justin Bieber but because I love the person that you are and for the great love I have for you. Your smile is my happiness, when you smile, I smile when you cry, I cry too and when you feel homesick, I also feel. You taught me to never give up and always was what I did, taught me to believe and that is why I have always believed and always have been here since the beginning and never gave up and never give up because you who give me the strength to continue. Thank you for you continue to be yourself, thank you for believing in your fans, thank you for existires, thank you for loving us as we we love you we thank you for everything. I promise I will NEVER stop being belieber, always believed in you and is not for inventing things will stop believing IN IT. Right now I'm crying, not know how happy I am! I love you so much so much <3thanks for having me sent this message, I really hope one day to meet you and be able to give you a tight hug <3 you change my life, I hope you know that <3 I AM BELIEBER WITH PRIDE AND I LOVE Kidrauhl <3 FOREVER A BELIEBER I PROMISE <3 THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING <3 YOU CHANGE MY LIFE <3 I LOVED YOU SINCE THE FIRST DAY AND I WILL LOVE YOU UNTIL I DIE <3 I WILL BE HERE WITH YOU ALWAYS UNTIL THE END, I PROMISE <3 I named myself a BELIEBER not a fan, in what matter, ups and down, happy or sad moment, i ALWAYS be here for you <3

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tp é assim o francisco é giro a rita podia dar-lhe uma hipotese mas se é amor verdadeiro ele tem de ir falar com ela NA CARA se nao for bem a pode esquecer pq isso nao e amor e a rita se sabe que nunca vai gostar dele tem de cagar nele e para de dar falsas esperanças pq isso e ainda pior!

tudo ditooo <3 mas eu nao gosto dele....

Nao vou deixar que ele e meu amigo e eu nao posso cagar assim ahah

ahahah es um bom amigo entao <3


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